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Social volunteering

Social volunteering (assistance to vulnerable groups, people in difficult situations). It includes eight types:

Ø  Volunteering in crisis centers (supporting and rehabilitating victims of violence, helping people admitted to these centers, organizing programs for their recovery and support, and more)

Ø  Volunteering at hospices (providing palliative care, assisting patients and their families, helping with caring for children of patients, providing grief support, and more)

Ø  Assisting children and adults with special healthcare needs (working in medical facilities, providing yard and home support, organizing leisure activities and rehabilitation programs)

Ø  Supporting children in foster care and from single-parent or disadvantaged families (providing mentoring, organizing leisure activities, and organizing support programs)

Ø  Helping people in custody and ex-prisoners (providing reintegration support)

Ø  Volunteering for elderly and people living alone, as well as those in difficult life situations, to provide assistance with everyday tasks, problem-solving, organizing rehabilitation programs, yard and home maintenance, leisure activities and more.

Ø  Volunteering to prevent and reduce drug addiction and other harmful habits, working with individuals struggling with addiction, including prevention efforts, painting over illegal drug advertisements, providing support and socializing with people affected by addiction, and assisting with twelve-step recovery programs.

Ø  Humanitarian and social assistance, including collecting, packaging, and distributing clothing and food items to individuals in emergency or challenging situations.

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