Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
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Within the framework of the Action Plan for the Year of the Volunteer, this year it is planned to implement 7 nationwide projects for the development of industry volunteering.
Increasing the level of digital, financial, language, computer literacy of various groups of the population, including in rural areas, through the involvement of volunteers.
Богдан Петров Петров
Lecturer at Astana IT University, Master of Social Sciences, journalist, public figure, volunteer coach, winner of the Elbassy medal
Involvement of volunteers in the field of health care, including the involvement of volunteers in medical institutions providing urgent treatment (hospices, oncology clinics, etc.).
Birgemiz: Saýlyq
Implementation of the practice of mentoring volunteers in relation to children and youth in orphanages, children who find themselves in a difficult life situation in social service centers of the social protection system
Birgemiz: Sabaqtastyq
Involvement of citizens in volunteer activities in the field of ecology, including environmental protection, cleaning up rivers and forests, planting trees, training in waste sorting, and environmental safety.
Ербол Ермұханұлы Кенгербаев
Director of the Corporate Fund "Social Projects Fund"
Берік Әбдіғалиұлы
Involvement of volunteers in social service organizations providing social services, including in nursing homes.
Birgemiz: Qamqor
Involving volunteers and citizens in the organization and implementation of activities to search for missing people, protect the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.
Birgemiz: Úmit
Development of corporative voluntary activities. Involvement of organizations and employees in social responsibility. Work on the relationship between private companies and NGOs in the field of volunteering.
Attracting citizens to voluntary activities, regardless of age, including the development of active longevity of the older generation through volunteering.
Серебряное волонтерство | Күміс волонтерлік
Development of volunteer initiatives and projects aimed at developing a responsible attitude towards animals
Асан Маратулы Нурланов
Volunteer, participant in environmental events, public figure
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