Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
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Home Directions Silver volunteering

Expansion of citizens' participation in the development of "silver" volunteering, as well as the development of active longevity among the older generation through volunteering

Terrotorial coverage:

17 regions of Kazakhstan, including the cities. Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Shymkent

Expected result:

1) Increasing the participation of citizens of the silver age. Attracting at least 300 "silver" volunteers. 2) Organization of at least 50 different events for "silver" volunteers. 3) Providing at least 15 small grants.

Весь контент, опубликованный на этой странице по направлениям Birgemiz, принадлежит организациям-грантополучателям. Администрация сайта не несет ответственность за размещаемый контент. С уважением, команда

Silver volunteering
Серебряное волонтерство | Күміс волонтерлік
Project implementation:
Public Fund "Volunteers of Kyzylorda"
Uniting and coordinating the actions of volunteers for the implementation of various socially significant projects
Chebakova Olga Konstantinovna

8 777 663 27 24

27.07.2022 774
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25.07.2022 718
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24.06.2022 718
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23.06.2022 811
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