Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
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Home Directions Birgemiz: Taza Álem

Involvement of citizens in volunteer activities in the field of ecology, including environmental protection, cleaning up rivers and forests, planting trees, training in waste sorting, and environmental safety.

Terrotorial coverage:

14 regions and 3 cities of regional significance

Expected result:

•Growth in the number of eco-volunteers. • Attracting at least 8 thousand eco-volunteers, including at least 5 thousand youth, at least 100 silver volunteers - annually. • Implementation of at least 30 small grants, including at least 3 projects with subsequent funding from various organizations, business structures - annually. • Involvement of at least 10 thousand citizens in the formation of ecological culture, environmental protection - annually. • Conclusion of at least 10 memorandums with relevant organizations - annually. • Organization of at least 100 various environmental events - annually. • Analytical report with recommendations - 2024.

Весь контент, опубликованный на этой странице по направлениям Birgemiz, принадлежит организациям-грантополучателям. Администрация сайта не несет ответственность за размещаемый контент. С уважением, команда

Birgemiz: Taza Álem
Ербол Ермұханұлы Кенгербаев
Director of the Corporate Fund "Social Projects Fund"
Project implementation:
Corporate Fund "Social Projects Fund"
13.05.2024 104
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12.12.2023 287
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12.12.2023 182
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12.12.2023 192
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12.12.2023 185
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12.12.2023 186
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12.12.2023 238
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12.12.2023 195
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