Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
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Home Directions Birgemiz: Qamqor

Involvement of volunteers in social service organizations providing social services, including in nursing homes.

Terrotorial coverage:

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Expected result:

1) Expanding the participation of citizens and volunteers in the field of health protection of social services for citizens. Attracting at least 2 thousand volunteers, including at least 1 thousand youth, at least 50 silver volunteers - annually; 2) Implementation of at least 30 small grants, including at least 3 projects with subsequent funding from various organizations, business structures - annually; 3) Providing assistance to at least 3 thousand elderly people - annually; 4) Conclusion of at least 5 memorandums with relevant organizations - annually; 5) Analytical report with recommendations - 2024.

Весь контент, опубликованный на этой странице по направлениям Birgemiz, принадлежит организациям-грантополучателям. Администрация сайта не несет ответственность за размещаемый контент. С уважением, команда

Birgemiz: Qamqor
Birgemiz: Qamqor
Project implementation:
NGO "Society of Disabled People "Markhabat.KZ"
Assistance to the elderly and persons with disabilities
Utegenova Meruert Erkinovna


Friends, are you ready to launch your project and implement the wildest ideas?
02.07.2022 459
We are starting to accept applications for grants!
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Can he really consider himself an adult, an established person?
26.06.2022 476
The participants of the Birgemiz: Qamqor project are convinced that an adult is someone who can take responsibility and do the work of mercy.
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The first participants of our project, Birgemiz Qamqor, were wonderful children studying at the NGO "Society of the Disabled Markhabat.KZ".
26.06.2022 426
The first participants of our project, Birgemiz Qamqor, were wonderful children studying at the NGO "Society of the Disabled Markhabat.KZ".
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What awaits us this year?
20.06.2022 475
We have great news! We continue the baton for the implementation of the national project Birgemiz: Qamqor.
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В Алматы открылся Центр поддержки волонтеров - 250 семей получили помощь
04.05.2020 1207
В рамках общенационального проекта «Birgemiz: Qamqor» в Алматы состоялось открытие Центра поддержки волонтеров на базе союза ветеранов Афганистана.
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