Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
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Home Directions Birgemiz: Qamqor Can he really consider himself an adult, an established person?

Can he really consider himself an adult, an established person?

26.06.2022 477

Can he really consider himself an adult, an established person?

How to determine when the moment of growing up comes?

The participants of the Birgemiz: Qamqor project are convinced that an adult is someone who can take responsibility and do the work of mercy.

Such people are the pupils of the @marxabat.centr center, who already on May 6, congratulated lonely home front workers on Victory Day.

What kind of guys are these? They are afraid of 18 years old, and have a disability of groups 1 and 2, which is easy for us and does not require effort, it is a lot of work for them.

Wishing to bring joy to the homes of lonely people, they sewed shoppers in which they carried treats, and prepared a whole program of congratulations for everyone.

Together we can do a lot. Are you ready to join the project?

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