Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
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What awaits us this year?

20.06.2022 375

We have great news!

We continue the baton for the implementation of the national project Birgemiz: Qamqor.

In 2021, more than 5,000 elderly people received our help.

We held 34 charity concerts in medical and social institutions of Kazakhstan.

In the actions "Give joy to the elderly" and "Hour of Good" we had more than 1000 volunteers, and we all together carried the light of love to the homes of those who were left alone on the slope of the years.

The fire of our hearts was also shared by pop stars, taking an active part in our project.

What awaits us this year?

Being a volunteer means generously sharing energy and love of life with others.

To volunteer for the Birgemiz: Qamqor project means to touch the wisdom of older generations and give them special support, care and love.

Ahead of us:

Recruitment, training and training for work in social service organizations providing social services


At least 30 small grants for the implementation of volunteer initiatives in social service organizations providing social services


Holding the action "Karttarga kuanysh syila - Give joy to the elderly" by volunteer groups


Among volunteers to identify the best region for working with the elderly 

The project is being implemented within the framework of a grant from the Center for Support of Civil Initiatives with the support of the Ministry of Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the participation of the National Volunteer Network and the Volunteer Office Front

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