Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
Become a volunteer
Home Directions Birgemiz: Qamqor

Involvement of volunteers in social service organizations providing social services, including in nursing homes.

Terrotorial coverage:

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Expected result:

1) Expanding the participation of citizens and volunteers in the field of health protection of social services for citizens. Attracting at least 2 thousand volunteers, including at least 1 thousand youth, at least 50 silver volunteers - annually; 2) Implementation of at least 30 small grants, including at least 3 projects with subsequent funding from various organizations, business structures - annually; 3) Providing assistance to at least 3 thousand elderly people - annually; 4) Conclusion of at least 5 memorandums with relevant organizations - annually; 5) Analytical report with recommendations - 2024.

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Birgemiz: Qamqor
Birgemiz: Qamqor
Project implementation:
NGO "Society of Disabled People "Markhabat.KZ"
Assistance to the elderly and persons with disabilities
Utegenova Meruert Erkinovna


26.04.2020 1930
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