Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
Become a volunteer
Home Directions Birgemiz: Qamqor

Involvement of volunteers in social service organizations providing social services, including in nursing homes.

Terrotorial coverage:

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Expected result:

1) Expanding the participation of citizens and volunteers in the field of health protection of social services for citizens. Attracting at least 2 thousand volunteers, including at least 1 thousand youth, at least 50 silver volunteers - annually; 2) Implementation of at least 30 small grants, including at least 3 projects with subsequent funding from various organizations, business structures - annually; 3) Providing assistance to at least 3 thousand elderly people - annually; 4) Conclusion of at least 5 memorandums with relevant organizations - annually; 5) Analytical report with recommendations - 2024.

Весь контент, опубликованный на этой странице по направлениям Birgemiz, принадлежит организациям-грантополучателям. Администрация сайта не несет ответственность за размещаемый контент. С уважением, команда

Birgemiz: Qamqor
Birgemiz: Qamqor
Project implementation:
NGO "Society of Disabled People "Markhabat.KZ"
Assistance to the elderly and persons with disabilities
Utegenova Meruert Erkinovna


What could be better than meeting friends?
29.03.2023 296
Of course, meetings at which new joint projects are born!
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Successes of 2022
29.03.2023 318
Friends, there are a lot of interesting things ahead, but before you start acting, we suggest remembering the path we have done last year.
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Together we filled this day with happiness and love.
08.10.2022 471
Warm hugs and tears of joy, this was the day of the elderly for lonely people, thanks to the children and parents of our Center.
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At the end of the evening, a surprise was waiting for volunteers!
08.10.2022 442
Volunteers organized a Master class on Pottery, created a unique atmosphere with dances and songs, presented postcards with chocolates.
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Everyone can make the world around them better!
08.10.2022 472
Pupils of the Center congratulated the elderly on October 1.
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Join the action, make people happy in our power!
08.10.2022 499
Emotions filled a cozy yurt: memories of the past, smiles and tears of joy from the opportunity to meet mixed with words of gratitude.
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Trip to Alakol
05.08.2022 520
We were glad like children... I wish there were more trips that give unforgettable impressions and emotions...
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