Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
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Home Directions Corporate volunteering

Development of human capital. Facilitating the increase of positive corporative volunteering practices with the participation of organizations and NGOs.

Terrotorial coverage:

14 regions and 3 cities of national significance

Expected result:

Analyzing the activities of corporative volunteering in the country and presenting in the form of a report and recommendations for the development of corporative volunteering. Conducting training seminars for stakeholders on the topic of " corporative volunteering" in order to determine the differences between charity and the development of a culture of corporative volunteering in general.

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Corporate volunteering
Project implementation:
ALE "National Volunteer Network"
ALE "National Volunteer Network"
27.11.2020 560
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27.11.2020 576
The experience of companies that effectively implement volunteer projects shows that, first of all, it is necessary to determine the format of the pro...
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27.11.2020 537
The idea of corporate volunteering originates in the United States, where it originated in the early 1900s. Today, it has become common practice for c...
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27.11.2020 720
In the photo you can see the workshop "Corporate volunteering" which was held at our "Forum of volunteers – 2019 "Birlik" in December of last year. Ou...
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21.08.2020 744
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