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ЮНЕСКО Воспитание глобальной гражданственности

ЮНЕСКО содействует воспитанию глобальной гражданственности с начала осуществления в 2012 г. Глобальной инициативы Генерального секретаря Организации Объединенных Наций «Образование в первую очередь» (ГИОП), в которой укрепление глобальной гражданственности было обозначено в качестве одного из трех приоритетов образования.Данная публикация, озаглавленная «Воспитание глобальной гражданственности: темы и цели обучения» является первым, подготовленным ЮНЕСКО, педагогическим руководством в области воспитания глобальной гражданственности. Она является результатом обширных исследований и консультаций с участием экспертов из разных частей мира.

Designing Inclusive Digital Solutions and Developing Digital Skills

In an increasingly online world, people need digital skills and literacy to work, live, learn and communicate productively. Without these skills, people face marginalisation not only in the physical world but in digital realms as well.

UNESCO and bioethics: make bioethics everyone's business

Bioethics was born with the objective of fostering ethical reflection on the social implications of science and the use of knowledge and technology; during a time where the world was witnessing significant development in these matters. This is a democratic challenge which must be tackled by all members of a society, from the expert to the layperson. To this end, UNESCO has focused on the social and political considerations, convinced that the resolution of ethical issues raised by the use of science and technology determines the way we live together and the choices made by society. These choices affect our future and the future of coming generations.

World Heritage Map

This large format full-color map features the World Heritage sites and brief explanations of the World Heritage Convention and the World Heritage conservation programmes, as well as superb photos of World Heritage sites with explanatory captions.

Youth mobile.Teaching young people to create mobile apps for sustainable development

Mobile technology has become a tool for youth empowerment, activism and socio-economic progress. In developing countries especially, the number of mobile Internet connections is increasing exponentially, and smartphones are often the only computer available

Салалық волонтерлік бойынша нұсқаулық: BIRGEMIZ ASYL MURA»

Салалық волонтерлік бойынша нұсқаулық: BIRGEMIZ ASYL MURA» Қазақстан Республикасы Үкіметінің 2020 жылғы 16 қаңтардағы №3 қаулысымен бекітілген Волонтер жылын өткізу бойынша іс-шаралар жоспарын іске асыру шеңберінде әзірленген жеті нұсқаулықтың бірі болып табылады.
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