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Home Directions Birgemiz: Sabaqtastyq Brew your dream - become a barista!

Brew your dream - become a barista!

27.12.2023 1952

This project is aimed at training young people in the service sector, namely to be a barista. This course helps you open up and communicate with people, since the barista field teaches not only how to brew coffee, but also discuss culture and develop it among guests who want to learn many interesting facts about coffee.

The project manager, Nurzhan Aigul, ambassador and chef of the coffee industry, says that on the first day of training the guys were a little shy, since she was a stranger to them. Nurzhan Aigul, as she always says, sought to make friends with them and direct their interest in the coffee sector. However, after just five minutes of meeting her, when she said that she started her first job at their age, the children became interested and began to question her. They showed trust and interest in her. The entire first day of training passed unnoticed, and they continued without noticing how three hours flew by. The second and third days of practice were especially productive.

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