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Home News Executive Director of the national volunteer network Tatyana Mironyuk about The new qazvolunteer app

Executive Director of the national volunteer network Tatyana Mironyuk about The new qazvolunteer app

11.06.2020 4478 0

Tatyana Mironyuk, Executive Director of the national volunteer network, told about The new qazvolunteer app: "We can use a Single portal that provides information about volunteering. This is great!"

How did the idea of creating an app come about?

The idea of creating the app came about three years ago. In order to create a single platform that will accumulate volunteer initiatives and projects of volunteer organizations, volunteers themselves and provide motivational components of volunteering in Kazakhstan. We were interested in the promotion of this project and in a combination of circumstances, the subject of such a grant appeared.

Tell us about the app itself: its goals, tasks, functionality, and advantages.

The goals and objectives of the app are very simple — it is a combination of volunteers and volunteer projects. The functionality and advantages of the app are as follows:

First, the app combines several types of platforms. In other words, the uniqueness of the project is that the platform's functionality may be duplicated somewhere with exactly the same platforms, but there is no such merging on the same platform. There is a library where you can download various books, apps, and other available materials on volunteering. On this platform, there are standard symbols, such as a volunteer questionnaire, which a volunteer can fill out in detail and download their resume. This feature is also available for volunteer organizations. This platform has a map where you can see projects and volunteer organizations throughout Kazakhstan. In other words, you can see how many software projects have been implemented and are being implemented in each region of the country. Another advantage of this platform is that we have linked the areas of volunteerism with the goals of sustainable development. This is important for us, because we would like to get statistics on the sustainable development Goals at the end of the year and see which projects in this regard will be relevant and more priority for Kazakhstanis.

A volunteer has two ways to register on the platform: a Simple one is a mini questionnaire, which is necessary in order to appear on the platform and indicate that you are a volunteer. But in order to enjoy all the advantages of the platform, you must fill out an extended form-this is an extension of your profile, after which you get the opportunity to download your resume in the field of volunteering.

The creation of this application this year is relevant due to the fact that this year is declared the year of the volunteer. What prospects do you see for the app in the future?

Yes, this year it is very relevant. In fact, this work on the platform has nothing to do with the year of the volunteer. But at the same time, the entire upgrade that we are doing is related to the Year of volunteers in order to fully integrate the information flows that exist and lay the Foundation for the further functioning of the platform. It has sliders that are flipped at the top, each of which is responsible for some direction. For example, there is information about ambassadors. The main Ambassador of this platform is our President. We can also see the priority 7 areas in the field of volunteering. Of course, there are a lot more of them, but these are the industry areas that we are focusing on this year. We can see projects in each of these areas. You can see news items related to volunteering. It is clear that this is a narrow specialization and this platform mainly hits those who are interested in volunteering. But at the same time, we can see a single portal that speaks and broadcasts only about volunteers and volunteer initiatives. This is awesome!

The platform's prospects are very large. The platform should become a training platform that will take over online functionality for the development of volunteerism. You will be able to conduct trainings, record various modules and everything else that concerns volunteer activities. This is a priority for us. Again when the volunteer and volunteer organizations use the platform more they will receive certain motivating components. The main ones will be shown in interaction with the state. For example, if you have so many points, then you go to various forums, that is, you get advantages. Either you can get free access to the webinars that you were looking for, or the webinars were paid with closed access, if you are a volunteer with enough points, then you can use all these materials for free. All that in this way we can determine for ourselves.

Download the app from the links below and change the world for the better together!

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