Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
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Home Directions Birgemiz: Saýlyq

Involvement of volunteers in the field of health care, including the involvement of volunteers in medical institutions providing urgent treatment (hospices, oncology clinics, etc.).

Terrotorial coverage:

In 17 regions of the country

Expected result:

1. Expanding the participation of citizens and volunteers in the field of protecting the health of citizens. Attracting at least 2 thousand volunteers, including at least 1 thousand youth, at least 50 silver volunteers. 2. Implementation of at least 30 small grants, including at least 3 projects with further funding from various organizations, business structures. 3. Provision of social, legal assistance to at least 7 thousand patients, people with special needs.

Весь контент, опубликованный на этой странице по направлениям Birgemiz, принадлежит организациям-грантополучателям. Администрация сайта не несет ответственность за размещаемый контент. С уважением, команда

Birgemiz: Saýlyq
Birgemiz: Saýlyq
Project implementation:
NGO "Medical Youth"
Republican Public Association "Medical Youth"; (hereinafter referred to as the "Association") was created by voluntary association of citizens of Kazakhstan based on the similarity of their public views and operates on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Public Associations", and other regulatory legal acts. On May 14, 2019, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan Republican Public Association "Medical Youth" included the national register of business identification numbers.
Project Manager: Dzhanibekova Akmeir Abubakirovna

8 747 709 75 51

[email protected]


07.06.2022 376
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07.06.2022 371
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07.06.2022 391
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07.06.2022 390
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07.06.2022 361
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07.06.2022 383
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07.06.2022 376
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07.06.2022 413
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