Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
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Home Directions Birgemiz: Bilim

Increasing the level of digital, financial, language, computer literacy of various groups of the population, including in rural areas, through the involvement of volunteers.

Terrotorial coverage:

All Kazakhstan

Expected result:

1) Expanding the participation of citizens and volunteers in the training of various groups of the population. Attracting at least 2 thousand volunteers, including at least 1 thousand youth, at least 50 silver volunteers - annually. 2) Implementation of at least 30 small grants (volunteer initiatives), including at least 3 projects with subsequent funding from various organizations, business structures - annually. and 3) Training coverage - at least 6 thousand different groups of the population, including in rural areas - annually. 4) The conclusion of at least 5 memorandums with relevant organizations - annually. 5) Analytical reports with recommendations - 2022, 2023, 2024.

Весь контент, опубликованный на этой странице по направлениям Birgemiz, принадлежит организациям-грантополучателям. Администрация сайта не несет ответственность за размещаемый контент. С уважением, команда

Birgemiz: Bilim
Богдан Петров Петров
Lecturer at Astana IT University, Master of Social Sciences, journalist, public figure, volunteer coach, winner of the Elbassy medal
Project implementation:
"Zhas Ulan" Unified Children and Adoles
Dinara Taibasarova
21.11.2020 1041
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20.11.2020 755
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Қостанай облысында "Birgemiz:Bilim" жобасы қорытындыланды
20.11.2020 866
"Birgemiz:Bilim" әлеуметтік жобасын Қостанай облысында "КЕА" (Kazakhstan En ' bek Adamy) корпоративтік қоры ҚР Ақпарат және қоғамдық даму министрлігін...
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18.11.2020 982
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18.11.2020 967
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18.11.2020 1019
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16.11.2020 663
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15.11.2020 789
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