Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
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Improve your knowledge with us!

15.06.2020 800

In the West Kazakhstan region, the nationwide project "Birgemiz: Bilim” is being implemented by the youth community “Zhas Kanat.” The main goal of the project is to provide high school students in rural schools, including socially vulnerable groups, in the following areas:

• Preparation for UNT;


•Computer literacy;

• Legal literacy;

• Preparation for subject Olympiads and scientific projects;

In particular, it is planned to improve the quality of education of more than 1000 students located in rural areas with the help of 100 volunteers.  Within the framework of the project, an expert council was created and a council meeting was held.

At a meeting of the expert council, specially selected volunteers attended master classes and training seminars, and began preparing senior pupils of secondary schools in rural areas. As specialized subjects, graduates receive knowledge in the chosen specialty, as well as in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, geography, history, Kazakh language and literature, reading literacy, English and Man. Law. Society.

We remind you that the national project “Birgemiz: Bilim” of WKR is aimed at stimulating volunteering and increasing civic engagement. In connection with this, we urge everyone to become volunteers.

The criteria for volunteers are very simple:

1) to have the opportunity on a voluntary and free basis to provide assistance in preparing for the UNT, teaching English, computer and legal literacy for high school students in rural high schools;

2) it is good to know the school curriculum of one and / or several of the subjects: mathematics, Kazakh language and literature, English, Russian language and literature, history, law, physics, biology, etc .;

3) age from 18 years and older;


For all questions:

-  25-04-45;

-  8-747-068-28-08 Samat;

-  8-707-340-41-16 Nazerke.

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