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Home News "Volunteering is an opportunity to change someone's life": an interview with a crisis center organizer

"Volunteering is an opportunity to change someone's life": an interview with a crisis center organizer

08.03.2025 4084 0

Volunteering is a way to help others and an opportunity to change society. Volunteers play a particularly important role in crisis centers, where they support women survivors of domestic violence. We talked to Zhasulan, the organizer of the Zhan-Saya crisis canter in Almaty, about how volunteers help to cope with difficulties, what challenges they face and why everyone can make a contribution.

Zhasulan, tell us a little about yourself. What do you do?

   - My name is Zhasulan, I am 27 years old, I study at Caspian University, majoring in Public Service and Management, and I work as an organizer at the crisis center for victims of domestic violence ‘Zhan-Saya’. My duties include organizing activities for women victims of violence and implementing projects to prevent violence.

Why is it especially important today to talk about supporting women in difficult life situations?

   - Because these are not individual cases, but a large-scale social problem. Domestic violence affects not only women, but also their children, who witness what happens. It affects their psyche, their future life and their perception of the family. Supporting these women and their children means changing the future.

What are the main difficulties faced by women who come to your center?

   - First of all, there is a lack of safe housing, so we provide temporary shelter. Then there are psychological and emotional traumas, lack of financial independence, difficulties with employment. Our goal is not just to help here and now, but to give them the opportunity to start a new life.

What role do volunteers play in this?

   - A huge role. Without them, the work of the center would not be possible. Volunteers conduct master classes for women, help with events, attract resources, and organize charity events. For example, creative students organize concerts and art exhibitions, which has a powerful therapeutic effect. Technical students help with digital tools, website development and support systems.

How do volunteers cope with the emotional challenges in this field?

   - It's really challenging work, because every story is pain, fear, frustration. But at the same time, volunteering develops empathy, responsibility, and teaches people to care. Many people, having gone through this experience, begin to actively participate in social initiatives and see the problems of society in a different way.

How can one join volunteer activities in your center?

   - It's very simple: all you need is a desire to help. You can participate in events, organize activities, support informationally or financially. Every contribution is important, and even a little help can change someone's life.

What would you say to those who want to try volunteering but are hesitant?

   - Don't be afraid! Volunteering is a chance to be part of an important change, to feel that you are not just an observer, but someone who makes the world a better place. When you see that your help has helped a person to start a new life, you realize that it is priceless.

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