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Home News We announce the start of the winter week of kindness campaign: «Easy to be a Volunteer»!

We announce the start of the winter week of kindness campaign: «Easy to be a Volunteer»!

04.12.2023 1170 0

We announce the start of the winter week of kindness campaign: «Easy to be a Volunteer»! 😍🥳

📌 On December 4, 2023, in Astana, a Symposium will take place dedicated to the upcoming International Volunteer Day, celebrated worldwide on December 5.

🌟 The event marks the beginning of the winter week of kindness campaign, titled «Easy to be a Volunteer», which will run from December 4 to 10.
This initiative, organized by the National Volunteer Network with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, aims to encourage and implement volunteer activities for the benefit of society.

The event will provide participants with a unique opportunity for sharing experiences, discussions on current issues, and strengthening the volunteer community in anticipation of this important global event ❤️

#ВолонтерБолуОңай #ВолонтеромБытьЛегко #EasyToBeAVolunteer

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