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Home News Logo Competition for International Volunteer Year 2026 now open

Logo Competition for International Volunteer Year 2026 now open

09.12.2024 314 0

United Nations Volunteers calls everyone over the age of 18 to be part of a logo competition for the International Volunteer Year 2026.

The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2026 the International Year of Volunteers for Sustainable Development. This milestone offers an opportunity to celebrate volunteers and their contributions on a global stage.

A logo for the International Volunteer Year 2026 (IVY 2026) should reflect what Member States of the United Nations highlight through the General Assembly Resolution A/RES/78/127 — which recognizes volunteerism as a powerful and cross-cutting means to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and encourages support for volunteer action.

We are thrilled to kick off a global competition to design the official logo for IVY 2026 with one simple mission: to design a symbol that tells the story of volunteers. A logo that captures their passion and dedication. A logo that will remind us all why volunteers matter not just in the moments of celebration, but in moments of need.” Toily Kurbanov, Executive Coordinator, UNV.

Be part of this initiative and create a logo for IVY 2026 to honour volunteers who so often work behind the scenes yet deserve to be celebrated.

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