Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
Волонтер болыңыз

Aruzhanka Sadykova

Волонтер ID: 55063


Елді мекен:

Алматы, Алматы

Әлеуметтік волонтерлік

Өзің туралы

I am Aruzhan and I always have a passion to help people feel connected and lead them to something great. But in His specialization and precise skills. In order to improve myself and give development to others. As a leader of Infinity solutions, I believe that the strongest organizations are those in which employees feel connected with each other and with their work. When there is harmony between the employee and the work, So, I I help leaders and tough professionals make that connection through unique workshops, coaching and speaking engagements.Along with my Aichi activities, I am a Volunteer in the international organizations UNICEF. I also teach online master classes for those who wish. She studied in Malaysia Henry King 8 and Singapore, received diplomas for completing various courses such as Chevron, Apple, Moscow University, American corner. Specialties: Leadership development Team development Employee engagement Strategic planning Coaching Organizational health Assessments Web design 📲Web-developer software industry 👩🏻‍💻project manager 📈Founder of @infinity_websolutions ✈️traveler 🚀startups ideas: Eagles eye,Sadikhan,EKP,Zepter etc. Working in Almaty,Malaysia,Singapore

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