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Home News CSR and corporate volunteering examples of japanese companies

CSR and corporate volunteering examples of japanese companies

01.06.2020 1385 0

The CSR activity that many Japanese companies are working on is environmental protection. Including preventing environmental pollution, protecting animals, and planting trees, these activities also help in planting seedlings in deforested mountains and ridding plants of waste water.

The second most common activity is "cultural support", "protection of human rights" and "women rights".
"Cultural support" includes activities for the local community and activities for the preservation of cultural values.

In the future, the content of CSR activities that Japanese companies plan to focus on is "poverty", "child poverty" and "disease".
Japan is considered a relatively rich country, but in Japan, one in six people is considered poor. Since poverty is usually passed down from generation to generation, it is necessary to break the chain in corporate CSR activities. Especially for children, it is necessary to actively work on the provision of services such as support for nutrition education and protection of children with special circumstances.

This year, the National Volunteer Network is implementing the project "Study of positive practices in the development of corporate volunteerism and holding a conference" under the grant of the Civil Initiatives Support Center.



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