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Home News Volunteers from the Republican Front Office and the National Volunteer Network help at Magnum store in the capital

Volunteers from the Republican Front Office and the National Volunteer Network help at Magnum store in the capital

23.03.2020 1408 0

Today (23.03) , volunteers of the National Volunteer Network and the Republican front office of volunteers helped to distribute and sort the basic necessities for people in need in one of the stores of the!

Pre-packaged products will be delivered point-by-point and as a preventive measure, without contact to the needy, the elderly alone, people in difficult life situations and with special needs.

If such people live in your house, in the entrance, nearby, you can help them yourself, observing security measures, simply going to a store or pharmacy for them!

Now more than ever it is important and necessary to stick together and prove that #BizBirgemiz! (we’re together)

We also remind you once again that it is very important for everyone, including those who are not at risk, to adhere to the following prevention measures from and @WHO:

wash your hands and face frequently and thoroughly with soap;

avoid crowded areas and stay at home as much as possible;

avoid contact with sick people;

in case of symptoms of colds (fever, nasal congestion, cough, sore throat), you must immediately call an ambulance at home.

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