Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
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Home News An online meeting was held with representatives of those who received a government grant in the direction of "Birgemiz: ÚMIT"

An online meeting was held with representatives of those who received a government grant in the direction of "Birgemiz: ÚMIT"

16.06.2020 864 0

An online meeting was held with representatives of PF “The League of Volunteers” who received a government grant in the direction of "Birgemiz: ÚMIT" with the “Birgemiz” Republican Front-Office of volunteers, National Volunteer Network, Civil Initiatives Support Center and Ministry of Information and Social Development. 

The issue of discussing the current implementation of projects in the direction of the Civil Inititatives Support Center and grantees was on the agenda.

During the meeting, the coordinators of the national project "Birgemiz: ÚMIT» spoke and shared their plans for further implementation of projects.

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