Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty
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21.03.2020 4277 0

Dear residents of the city of Nur Sultan and Almaty!

New cases of COVID-19 infection continue to be detected in Kazakhstan, and the two largest cities are quarantined. Pensioners, people in difficult situations, people with weak immunity and people with chronic diseases are at risk.

During quarantine, it is very important for everyone, including those who are not at risk, to follow all the security measures that and @who are talking about. One of the most effective measures is to stay at home and not go out.

There are people who didn’t have time to stock up on the most necessary, food and medicine. If you know people who really need help (single elderly, with special needs, in difficult life situations), you can report to one of the hotlines below.

If you want to help these people as a volunteer: to pack, distribute food, then you can join and become one of us!

If such people live in your house, in the entrance, nearby, you can help them yourself by simply going to a store or pharmacy for them! Now more than ever it is important and you need to stick together and prove that #BizBirgemiz! (We’re together)

Hotline Phones:


Almaty city: 

Stepnogorsk: +7 771 911 80 30


Kokshetau: +7 775 337 77 50

Shchuchinsk: +7 705 544 12 57

National Volunteer Network of Kazakhstan @kz_nvs

#Birgemiz #BizBirgemiz #VolonterJyly_kz #БудьЯрчесНВС #НВС #НациональнаяВолонтерскаяСеть

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