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“Birgemiz” front office will become the heart of all volunteer movements

18.02.2020 1904 0

Birgemiz front office will become the heart of all volunteer movements

In Kazakhstan, the Republican front office of volunteers "Birgemiz" was launched as part of the year of volunteerism. One of the ambassadors of the front office, social entrepreneur Emin Askerov, shared his impressions, the correspondent reports

"I am very happy that this year has been declared the year of volunteering. This will give a new impetus to the development of this trend. Now we are implementing a volunteer hub, where volunteers will be able to combine their efforts, energy, knowledge and desire to do good deeds and projects. This hub will become the heart of all volunteer movements, " the social entrepreneur said.  

He noted that he was inspired by the atmosphere of the office.  

"I think that anyone who comes here will feel this atmosphere of desire to help and share. It is important for the guys who are already in this movement to meet and support each other in a common cause",- Askerov said 

He said that within the office he is the Ambassador of the national project "Birgemiz: Bilim". we Remind that Emin Askerov is also the founder of the school of social entrepreneurship. 

"The goal of the project is to provide volunteer assistance in preparing for the UNT, teaching English, computer and legal literacy to high school students in rural areas. Volunteer assistance will be provided in 14 regions",- he said. 

Askerov added that the expected result of the project is the participation of more than 100 volunteers from among teachers, students and other citizens in each region. Coverage of at least 1,000 rural secondary school students in each region. 

Last week, the Head of state met for the first time with social entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan.

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