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Home News 6 main advantages for the company in implementing the corporate volunteer development program

6 main advantages for the company in implementing the corporate volunteer development program

01.06.2020 696 0

6 main advantages for the company in implementing the corporate volunteer development program:

Integrating employees into the company's social activities: volunteering in the field of corporate development will help employees feel more integrated into the company's social action strategy.

Improving the organizational climate and promoting corporate and human values: implementing corporate volunteerism involves greater coordination between the parties involved, which contributes to the formation of new tools and improving the organizational climate.

Developing skills and competencies: the social action that is being implemented will strengthen and develop new social skills and competencies for volunteers, as they will work in new environments, with different tools, and with other people.

Differentiation and improvement of corporate image: the company as such will also be significantly strengthened through corporate volunteer programs, as it will be recognized as a company that for example fights hunger.

Positioning in the field of CSR that promotes development and social innovation: companies with corporate social responsibility programs are TNCs recognized worldwide. A good reason for developing social innovation programs is to position yourself next to these corporations and recognize their work.

Opportunity to get to know new markets in which to operate: there is no doubt that corporate volunteerism allows you to learn about other realities and other contexts, so they also provide a good opportunity for the company to explore the needs of these new markets and find new niches where they can carry out their business.

This year, the National Volunteer Network is implementing the project "Study of positive practices in the development of corporate volunteerism and holding a conference" under the grant of the Civil Initiatives Support Center.


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