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Home News 1st of March- Thanksgiving day

1st of March- Thanksgiving day

01.03.2020 2684 0

This year Kazakhstanis celebrate Thanksgiving for the fifth time. The holiday was established in 2016 on the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev, who in his speech at the 22nd session of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in April 2015 proposed to celebrate Thanksgiving.Elbasy noted that on this day, representatives of all ethnic groups of the country can thank each other and the Kazakhs for their tolerance and hospitality during the years of deportation to Kazakhstan. Traditionally, the celebration of Thanksgiving begins throughout the republic long before the first of March. The holiday, although young, already today occupies a special place in a series of other celebrations. It can rightfully be called nationwide, since it symbolizes a common historical memory, unity, respect and solidarity of the people of Kazakhstan. Various events are held in Kazakhstan on the day of gratitude, the essence of which is the same - to maintain peace and harmony in the country.These enduring values ​​often begin with one simple, short, but at the same time capacious in meaning, the word "thank you"!

Author: Bagdat Khasenova

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